Saturday, 6 August 2016

Introducing from today (6th Aug, 2016), Uncle Kumar's Super 4D Pack

Introducing from today (6th Aug, 2016), Uncle Kumar's Super 4D Pack

So, what is the Super 4D Pack?

Focus in Magnum/Toto/Damacai of your choice

New way to add in your Date of Birth for better luck!

Max use is for 3 draws.

What you need give me?

One time fee of RM 35

Your Date of Birth (need exact date)

Your focus counter Magnum , Damacai or Sports Toto

How do I get this Super 4D Pack?

Whatsapp (017 546 9698) or Email me at

This is a new method of trying your luck at the Malaysia 4D MKT (nasib nombor baik dan nombor panas). Only for Magnum, Kuda and Sports Toto 4D Lucky number.